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Academic Bridge

Academic Bridge offers students extra support and encouragement as they make their transition from high school to college life. We work specifically with Denver Scholarship Foundation scholars (who are not admitted into the CHE program), Independent students, and select first generation students. We provide support in selecting majors and minors, schedule building, college study skills, tutoring referrals, career exploration, and overall transitioning from high school to college.

Denver Scholarship Foundation (DSF)

Students coming from a Denver Public School are eligible for the DSF Scholarship and must apply as a senior in high school to be eligible. In order to maintain eligibility, DSF scholars must meet objectives required to stay in good standing with the Denver Scholarship Foundation. Some of these requirements include check in meetings with academic coaches.


Independent Students

Students who are identified through the Office of Financial Aid as being Independent. In addition to academic support, Independent students also have access to our supplies closet which includes school supplies, personal items, and basic need items. We receive support throughout the year and encourage students to take advantage of this service when needed.

How do I know if I am an Independent Student?

  1. At any time since you were 13, were both your parents deceased, were you in foster care, or were you a dependent or ward of the court?
  2. Are you or were you an emancipated minor as determined by a court in your state of legal residence?
  3. Are you or were you in legal guardianship determined by the court in your state of legal residence?
  4. At any time did your high school or school district homeless liaison determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?
  5. At any time did the director of an emergency shelter or transitional housing program funded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development determine that you were an unaccompanied youth who was homeless?


First Generation Students (Referred by the CHE program)

If neither of your parents graduated from a 4 year college or university you are considered a first generation college student. First generation students who apply to the Center for Human Enrichment but are not eligible for services may request support through Academic Bridge. Academic Bridge also works with other first generation students who are referred by other campus offices.

Contact Us

Location: Michener Library - L116


Adam Alirez

Coordinator/Academic Coach


Office Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Melinda Gurule

Melinda Gurule

Academic Advisor



Alondra Carranza Arroyo

Alondra Carranza Arroyo

Graduate Assistant





Change of Major Form

The form you need to turn in to the Registrar if you want to declare or change your major.


Grade Replacement Form

The form you need to turn in to the Registrar if you want to repeat a course and get the old grade removed from your GPA calculation.


LAC Checklist

Requirements for Liberal Arts Core (LAC) courses.


DSF College Choice Form

For updating the college you indicated on your DSF Scholarship Application.


Four Year Plans

Plan out how your academic plan for your program of study.